About Tilley SolarC&B Alberta Solar Development ULC

Canadian Solar Solutions Inc. (Canadian Solar) and Bowmont Capital & Advisory Ltd. (Bowmont), on behalf of C&B Alberta Solar Development ULC (CBA), are developing the proposed Tilley Solar Project. For more information about CBA, please click here.

The proposed Tilley Solar Project is located in the County of Newell approximately 9 km northwest of the hamlet of Tilley, Alberta. The proposed project is on approximately 179 acres of land centred at quarter section SW 24-18-13 W4M. The proposed project is approximately 21.17 megawatts (MW) alternating current (AC).

Approximate Project Location:

Project Information

Our stakeholder engagement efforts commenced in May 2016 and will be ongoing through the pre‐construction, construction and operation phases of the Project. The initial Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) power plant approval was received for the Project in March 2017. Since then, we have made minor amendments to our project plan, including minor equipment changes and a schedule update.

As a result of these modifications, CBA is required to submit a Letter of Enquiry (LOE) to gain approval from the AUC for the changes. CBA will provide information and updates to stakeholders through newsletters.

Tilley Solar Newsletter, May 2016
Tilley Solar Newsletter, Feb 2019
Tilley Solar Newsletter, Jan 2021

CBA hosted a public open house in June 2016 to introduce the proposed Tilley Solar project, accept feedback from stakeholders and meet the local community. At the public open house, CBA shared details about the project location, project components, artist renderings of the proposed project from different vantage points, environmental studies and the noise impact assessment. CBA representatives were available to respond to questions to attendees on a one-on-one basis.

Open House Poster Boards, June 2016

Construction is slated to begin in Q3 2021 with commercial operation expected in Q1 2022.

Contact Information:

Scott Land & Lease Ltd. (SLL) is managing the public consultation on behalf of CBA. For specific inquiries about the proposed Tilley Solar project, please contact Sarah Rapchuk. For inquiries about Canadian Solar, please contact Ryan Tourigny.

Sarah Rapchuk
Scott Land & Lease Ltd.
Suite 900, 202 - 6th Avenue SW
Calgary AB, T2P 2R9
T: 403-538-3454
E: CBASolar@scottland.ca

Ryan Tourigny
Canadian Solar Solutions Inc.
128 7 Avenue SE
Calgary AB, T2G 0H5
T: +1 403 462 1882
E: Ryan.Tourigny@canadiansolar.com

For inquiries about BowMont, please contact BowMont at info@bowmontcapital.com

© 2016 C&B Alberta Solar Development ULC

Click here for more information regarding CBA Solar.